Finding Pilates

Exercise fads will come and go, but Pilates is here to stay. Those who regularly practice the Pilates method know it’s as essential as the air we breathe. This exercise system, Pilates, contains the building blocks of life -- vitality, longevity and overall health.

Pilates is for everybody. It’s for all ages, stages and walks of life, from post-rehab formerly injured clients to professional athletes and everything in between. Whether the goal is to increase athletic performance, prevent injury or improve your quality of life, Pilates is for you.

Trying to get a leg up before race day? Do Pilates. Feeling stiff and cranky? Do Pilates. Does your job require you to sit all day or otherwise create postural deficiencies that lead to aches and pains? Pilates helps with that, too. Pilates increases your strength and agility so that you can continue to enjoy your favorite activity, be it running, rock climbing, surfing, skateboarding or simply getting down on the floor to play with your kids.


Caveat emptor applies because there are countless interpretations of what Pilates is. You’ll find no shortage of styles, from the rehab-based to the more “extreme” versions. There are innumerable fusions, offshoots and watered-down styles of Pilates and let me just end the confusion for you right here — none of them are on par with the way I teach.

The Pilates I teach comes straight from the source – Joe Pilates. Mr. Pilates spent a lifetime developing his complete system of exercises, along with no less than 18 pieces of apparatus to support his objective of helping people move through life with suppleness, grace and strength.

My Pilates is actually Joe’s Pilates – though he referred to his method as Contrology, which put succinctly equals the freedom of movement under control. The Pilates I teach positively changes bodies and can even make you feel like a superhero.


Expect hard work that requires deep focus. Expect to follow a personalized set of exercises that matches your needs, challenges your body in different ways and builds alongside your progress.

Expect to take ownership of your own practice and in turn, become empowered by it. A key word: practice. Just like anything else you want to improve at, Pilates requires commitment and practice. Get ready to grow!


March MATness - 2021 Edition


Pandemic Pilates